Most of you will already be familiar with the time frame for filing your organization’s non-profit returns with the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board. These forms must be filed no later than the 15th day of the fifth month after the fiscal year end. For example, if your entity’s fiscal year ends on December 31st, your filing is due on May 15th. The filing requirements have changed over the past few years, and the filing requirements are different for the IRS than they are for the Franchise Tax Board. For 2012, the filing requirements are as follows:
IRS Requirements
FTB Requirements
All non-profit organizations must file one of the above returns. If you qualify to file forms 990-N and 199-N, these are postcard filings that can be done very easily online. If you need more information you can check the IRS or Franchise Tax Board websites, or contact your tax preparer.
Speak and Be Spoke(n)!
So, tell us! Do you have any lessons learned to share with your fellow nonprofits regarding tax filing requirements?
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